Pradeep Mayekar
ONGC Office Complex, Vasudhara Bhavan
Bandra East, Mumbai 400051
Mobile: 09969227766/09820337130
Nogen Chandra Chutia
P.O: Digboi, Assam, 786171
IOCL (AOD), Digboi Refinery
Mobile: 09435137073/09957753358
All Affiliated unions/office bearers/EC members of PGWFI.
Dear Comrades,
The 3rd Central Executive Committee meeting of our federation was held at Bangalore under the warm reception of MRPLEU® under the presidentship of Com: P.Mayekar. In the meeting Sr. VP Com: T.Sen and Com: S.Debroye was also present and delivered their valuable speeches. In the meeting, many issues have been discussed and finally the following decisions have been taken unanimously. I request all the office bearers/EC members for proper implementation of the decisions.
1) 2nd September’15 all India Strike: The matter of 2nd Sept’15 all India strike called by all central unions demanding 12 point charter of demands has been discussed in details and unanimously decided to participate in the strike. All efforts should be made to make the strike successful. Latest by 18th August’15, all unions should issue strike notice in form-L referring the demands of the central trade unions. No union shall defer/withdraw the strike unless and until central trade unions decide the same. To make the strike success, all unions should collect the campaign materials, organize different type of meetings and establish coordination with contract labor unions of the industry. Please report time to time about the preparation of the strike to the general secretary and president of the federation. General Secretary in his report placed in the EC meeting described the present situation with some facts and figures about labor law amendment and disinvestment of public sector. Selected portion of the report may be translated into local language to make a leaflet as campaign material. If any office bearers/EC members wishes to get the report, that will be send through mail.
2) Inauguration of the Wave-site of the federation: On 11th August’15, the website of the federation will be inaugurated at Kolkata. Com: P.Mayekar shall attend the program on behalf of the federation. Com: A.Basu, Com: A.Bhattacharjee and Com: S. Biswas shall take all necessary steps to make the program success in consultation with Mr. Arindam of the website designer. After inauguration, please inform all the affiliated unions about the domain of the site.
3) Affiliation fee: Many unions have not paid their affiliation fee for years together. The meeting decided that unions must pay affiliation fee @Rs.5/per member/year as early as possible. Otherwise, it will be difficult to run the federation. Affiliation may be deposited into federation’s bank account with intimation to the GS and finance secy. Finance Secy shall issue the receipt immediately. A/C No:0158101020322, Canara Bank, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg (DDU MARG), New Delhi-2, Account holder: Petroleum & Gas Workers’ Federation of India. Finance Secy’s e-mail and mobile No: 09433004582..:
Some comrades raised complaints against the statement of the affiliation fee prepared and sent by the finance secretary. Some unions paid their affiliation fee but it has not been reflected in the statement. Therefore, finance secretary is requested to prepare a fresh up to date statement and send the same to the unions through mail.
4) CPCL employees’ union has newly joined into the federation and the union has been welcomed. Affiliation certificate shall be issued to the union after getting and processing the application form.
5) Another union namely Chennai Petroleum Canteen Workers’ Union has applied for affiliation and paid their affiliation fee for 118 members in the meeting. The meeting granted their affiliation. Certificate will be issued later on.
6) Contract Workers’ Convention: One convention will be held shortly for Southern region either at MRPL or at Chennai. Comrade B.Balagopalan and Com: Sudhendu will take necessary step for the convention and will intimate to GS, president and Com: S.Debroye about the date and venue. Another convention will be organized at Guwahati for North East region by Com: B.Bania, P.Rajkhowa and Com: Bijit Borah. Both conventions must be completed before the all India strike. At Kolkata, on 11th August’14 such a convention will be held.
7) A joint convention of three petroleum federations shall be organized at Mumbai in the month of August’15 in consultation with other two unions on the issue of 2nd September strike.
8) After the 2nd September strike, federation will sit to draw out formula and line of action on the issue of 8th round of wage negotiation/DA merger in PSUs.
9) As decided in the earlier EC meeting, the extension of TA to Com: S.Debroye for attending our federation’s meeting will be continued.
10) As requested by General Secretary, it is seen that most of the unions have not provided the data on oil contract workers. This meeting again requested the unions to provide the same at earliest to enable uploading the data into our website and to publish a booklet from our federation. If possible collect data from other oil industries where our federation does not have affiliated unions.
Unions/EC members/Office bearers are requested to implement the above decision sincerely. Office bearers of different regions are also requested to hand over this circular to the unions of their region.
Comradely yours
General Secretary.
Cc: President, PGWFI
Meeting was held at Jodhpur on 09/03/2014. Oil India Employees’ union, Jodhpur Project made all the arrangement to make the meeting success. The following decisions were taken in the meeting.
----------------Please implement the decisions and wait for up-coming decision.